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  1. Annie Marie Hanlon
  2. Even Hanlon
  3. Francis Edward Hanlon 1876-1957 (Age 80)  Marriage Sarah Josephine McNulla 1882-1965 (Age 83)
    1. James ‎(McNulla)‎ Hanlon 1919-2009 (Age 90)  Marriage Ann McGuinness
      1. Francis Hanlon
      2. William Hanlon
      3. John Hanlon
      4. Leonard Hanlon
      5. Howard Hanlon
      6. Sarah Hanlon
      7. Agnes Hanlon
      8. Dorothy Hanlon
      9. ‎(unknown)‎ Hanlon
    2. James ‎(McGuinness)‎ Hanlon
    3. Maureen Hanlon
    4. Peggy Hanlon
    5. Sean Hanlon
    6. Terry Hanlon
    7. Tom Hanlon