Birth15 April 1916 -- Abilene, Taylor County, Texas, United States of America Death26 January 1989 (Age 72) -- Abilene, Taylor County, Texas, United States of America
Birth22 February 19173025 -- Prague, Saunders County, Nebraska, United States of America Death5 December 1994 (Age 77) -- Abilene, Taylor County, Texas, United States of America
Birth13 June 18864332 -- , Saunders County, Nebraska, United States of America Death12 May 1952 (Age 65) -- Wahoo, Saunders County, Nebraska, United States of America
Birth13 July 18913222 -- Prague, Saunders County, Nebraska, United States of America Death25 August 1954 (Age 63) -- Prague, Saunders County, Nebraska, United States of America